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  • Self Awareness and Healing - This session takes inspiration from the ancient world of Sages and Yogis who developed the art of Meditation and Pranayam exercises to rejuvenate Body Mind and Spirit.
  • Super Glutes & Legs - Using various movements of lower body like kicks, swings, etc. The hips, thighs and legs get the perfect toning and improved endurance. 
  • Military Drills - Climbing, jumping, crawling and overcoming obstacle course makes you tough for real life situations.
  • Agility Drills - When the cardio workout is done in multi- directional movements, you build on stamina, balance coordination, focus, flexibility and agility in motion.
  • Strength Training - Applying resistance on specific group of muscles using Suspension training straps, dumbbells, barbells and your own body weight you can strengthen the muscles, bones and joints of the whole body.
  • We Can Work out - This weekend workout includes the best combinations of functional fitness principles building your strength, endurance and physique.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~ Edward Stanley